Hello there and welcome to my Health and Wellness Blog. I look forward to the new year as I embark on creating this blog to help other people. In my 15 years experience as a health care practitioner, I have witnessed ill effects on patients' health from many different contributing factors. Although we cannot prevent all disease and illness, our lifestyle is one of the contributing factors to illness that we have the most control over and potential to change. From the early years in my career caring for post-op Open Heart Surgery patients, I have firmly believed in disease prevention and the importance of taking steps to modify lifestyle factors to promote wellness.
In as many times as I've said prevention is key, I've always asked, but who's going to pay for prevention? Well, we all are paying one way or another, now or later in sickness or in health. The time, however, is now to get informed and take control of your health. I look forward to helping you learn about health, wellness and disease prevention. What things we should do to promote wellness? What things are fads versus what truly has value for the long-term? What things should we watch for to protect our health? What puts us at risk for different diseases? What things can we do to counteract our predisposition to diseases? I look forward to answering these questions and more throughout the year. So follow along. Here's to promoting the best of our health and wellness. Let's make 2011 our best year yet!
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